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A Holistic way to Improving your Health.

Welcome to your CBD health and wellness online store.

The aim is focused on CBD and Medicinal Cannabis, where we offer, and guide you to alternative medicine options and natural solutions. 

I am Medicinal Cannabis Consultant.

My passion to help people heal is my driving force.

My Certification and Practice number is:

T/DR Pr No. 000 11011/001

I consult with each client and discuss their health, concerns, and difficulties.

Finding out about any medication they are taking, have taken, how long they have been unwell, their lifestyle, diet etc., affords me great insight to better understand their particular concern/s.

Following this, I am then able to advise/recommend to the client, as to which oil, capsule, or product they should take for their particular health issue/s.

No two people have the same DNA make up, and what works for one does not necessarily work for another.

Further, medications, length of disease/health problems can impact hugely on how each person heals.

Good quality mineral supplements and vitamins, work synergistically with CBD, thus providing an efficient healing combination.

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