Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions picture

We gather information pertaining to your ailments/illness, the medications that you have been prescribed, including when you were diagnosed and your age.

Your lifestyle whether very active or sedentary is important too.
We then create a guideline best suited for you.
We do not:

  • Diagnose or treat any named disease.
  • Have the authority to take you off any prescribed medication, that choice is entirely your own.
  • Provide eating plans, however we may suggest that a specific type of nutrition or lifestyle may be advantageous for you to undertake – however the choice on whether to follow this advice is entirely your own.

A guideline is like a prescription you get from you doctor for medicines.
Once on the guideline:

The recommendation is that you aim to wean off your medication. However, only after about 6 to 8 weeks.

Some medications need to be stopped prior to starting our products, eg. some Anti-Depressants, Cortisone and other medicines must be stopped within a few days of being on our products.

As your body and system slowly begin to heal, you should only need to be on the CBD products.



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